2009년 3월 31일 화요일
Wacom Intuos4
- 아래는 스펙입니다.
국산 무선인터넷 플랫폼인 위피(WIPI) 탑재 의무화가 1일부터 폐지
EventBox 종합선물세트
- EventBox: 트위터와 플리커, 페이스북 그리고 rss 리더 종합선물세트
- Mac에 이것 저것 잡다하게 설치할 필요없이 EventBox 하나로 트위터 페이스북 플리커 그리고 rss 리더까지 다 처리할 수 있습니다.
Vuze Friends Boost 기능이 유용하군요.
- Vuze Friend Boost 기능이 유용하군요.
- Friend Boost 기능으로 업다운이 될 때 녹색마크가 표시됩니다.
2009년 3월 30일 월요일
Chameleon 2.0RC1 is out!
- Home » Articles » Chameleon 2.0RC1 is out! • Article is filed in Chameleon • Posted 31. March 2009
- Right before 1st of April we’re gladly introducing the Release Candidate 1 version of Chameleon 2.0 for public download. Now supporting GUI booting, and all other features we mentioned in the previous articles.
- 어느정도 안정성이 있는지 점검을 해보아야 겠지만, 일단 UEFI방식보다 나은점은 GUI와 AHCI를 지원한다는 점이다. 가능한 64Bit 커널까지 지원하면 좀 더 나은 부트로더가 되겠지만,,,,,,
- UEFI 방식은 맥클론에 좀 더 가까운 방식이고 EXTRA_KEXT를 로딩하는 속도가 rEFI방식보다 좀 더 빠르다는 것 이외에는 아직 수정해야할 사항이 조금 더 남아 있다.
- AHCI와 64BIT 지원이 그것이다.
- 아무튼 둘다 나름 장단점이 있기 때문에 적절하게 마더보드의 특성에 따라 적절하게 사용해야 할 것 같다.
Mac OS X 10.5.7 build 9J39 Seed
- - Safari 4 Beta only installs on Mac OS X 10.5.6.
- - AFP
- - AirPort
- - Bluetooth
- - Directory Services
- - FileSync
- - Flash Player
- - GraphicsDrivers
- - iCal
- - iDisk Synching
- - Managed Client
- - MobileMe Synching
- - Networking
- - Parental Controls
- - Printing
- - Safari
- - Screen Sharing
- - Sound
- - Time Machine
- - USB & Flash Drives
- - VPN
- - Widgets
- - X11
- - AFP client’s FSCatalogSearch loops issue fixed
- - Fixed USB plugin path after USB hot-plugging
- - iChatAgent and SecTrustEvaluate issue fixed
- - Issue with Mail signature in rich ASCII text fix
- - Fixed System Profiler’s display of DisplayPort Adapters info
- - Updated Speech Dictionary
- - Resolved issue where computer may wake after Sleep enabled
- - Fixed Mail signature synching issue
- - Fixed localization problem with Weather Widget
- - Resolved color corruption issue
- - Fixed problem with CFNetwork FileProtocol and WebArchive
- - Resolved problem with AFP C Client and searches
- - Issue with FSCatalogSearch loops and AFP X Client fixed
- - Issue with HFS and Magneto-Optical Disk resolved
- - Flash Player updated
- - Fixed issue with CoreGraphics and screen zoom parameters
- - Issue with iChat framerates fixed
- - Fixed problem with HFS+ volumes and DVD media
- - Resolved issue with iCal CalDAV and calendar refresh
- - Issue with CPU Software and digital output fixed
- - Resolved issue with launchd and LoginWindow capturing crash data
- - Issue with LoginWindow and FileVault remote backups fixed
- - Fixed problem with Time Capsule and sparse image backups
- - Fixed issue with Print & Fax pref pane and managing settings
- - Resolved crashing issue with Parental Controls and System Preferences
- - Fixed problem with HFS and MBR partitioned volumes
- - Fixed hanging issue with MobileMe Sync tab
- - Fixed issue with iCalExternalSync and iCal Synchronization
- - Issue with AC interrupts and Sleep/Wake resolved
- - Fixed problem with Portable Home Directories and Login/Logout not syncing
- - Resolved issue with Mail accounts and syncing
- - Fixed issue with CoreAnimation and mouse movement between snapshots
- - Fixed problem with System Profiler Plug-Ins and panic logs
- - Resolved crashing issue with Help Viewer
- - Resolved crashing issue with Preview Image
- - Fixed issue with IOHIDPosteEvent()
- - Fixed problem with MobileMe AOSNotification not sending JID
- - Resolved issue with AddressBook Sync and Mail Addressing
- - Fixed problem with NSOperationQueue and PThreads
- - Fixed issue with LoginWindow UI and AirPort
- - Issue with Virtual Memory and wired pages fixed
- - Images are now retained when syncing between two Macs using Mail Sync
- - Resolved issue with CFNetwork Host and AppStore loading delays
- - Issue with Networking and TCP FIN resolved
- - Issue with FPCatalog search and AFP X Client resolved
- - File/Folder label changes over AFP now visible without unmounting/remounting
- - Fixed problem with NSView and layer-backed views inside a scroll
- - NSURLConnection now correctly notifies client before transmission
- - Resolved NSinvalidSendPortExceptions with Sync Services Engine
- - Fixed problem with CFNetwork Cookies and SAP cookie path
- - Resolved issue with CFNetwork Cache and DF URL cache
- - Fixed problem with iCal CalDAV and cancelled meetings still showing up for attendees
- - Hanging issue with CFURLCache thread fixed
- - Issue with MobileMe AOSNotification connection failures resolved
- - Resolved issue with Safari and certain cookies not being accepted
- - Fixed crashing issue with mdworker and signed messages
- - Resolved issue with MCX Client and visible groups
- - Resolved value issue with cupsBorderlessScalingFactor
- - Issue with CoreData Framework and foreign key references resolved
- - Fixed issue with Weather Widget and default city selection
- - CoreData Framework now ensures cached statements are nulled out after being finalized in the event of an error
- - Resolved issue with Desktop Services where desktop may not update correctly
- - Fixed value issue with Unit Converter Widget
- - Resolved issue with NSData and CoreData Framework
- - Fixed issue with ImageCapture not recognizing certain CompactFlash card adapters
- - Fixed issue with CUPS and Print & Fax Preference Pane
- - Resolved issue with CoreData fetch and CoreData Framework
- - Fixed issue where Stocks Widget was unresponsive in certain situations
- - iCalExternalSync no longer wrongly clears the “original date” field of a detached Task
- - Fixed issue where Preferences Sync would use excessive CPU cycles
- - Fixed problem with delegate windows and multiple error messages with iCal DAV
- - Issue with HICocoaView and mouse tracking resolved
- - Fixed button issue with Energy Saver pref pane
- - issue with Login window and MCX Client resolved
- - Fixed issue with Netbooting and the Energy Saver pref pane
- - Fixed problem with AMDocumentVersion and Automator Application
- - Updated ICC Profiles in ColorSync Registry
- - Issue with last modification date and Sync Services Engine resolved
- - Resolved issue with NSSpellChecker and custom NSSpellServer servers
- - Fixed issue with Time Machine Preferences and previously used backup volumes
- - Fixed problem with DSADplugin and User vs Contact
- - Issue with Text Services Manager and Dvorak Keyboard layout fixed
- - Resolved crashing issue with NSTreeController
- - Fixed whitelist issue with Parental Controls
- - Resolved automatic iCal MobileMe sync issue with iCal Synchronization
- - Fixed crashing issue with HLTB Menus and status bar
- - Resolved issue with AFP X Client and AFP sessions not disconnecting after volumes are dismounted
- - Issue with AXUIElementPostKeyboardEvent and HLTB Accessibility fixed
- - Fixed USB tranfer issue with printing large PostScript files
- - Fixed movie title issue with Movie Widget
- - Resolved Non-Administrator issue with Energy Saver pref pane
- - Fixed issue with Bluetooth mouse and button settings after disconnect/reconnect
- - Fixed problem with XServe Netboot and launchd
- - Fixed issue with Text (AppKit) where enabling garbage collection would cause autocomplete popup to automatically close
- - Fixed image orientation issue with Image RAW
- - Issue with HLTB Menus and OpenSubmenu fixed
- - Issue with HLTB Windows and child windows fixed
- - Issue with FileSync and login/logout resolved
- - Resolved issue with Image RAW and image conversion
2009년 3월 29일 일요일
NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB 설치하기
시간이 없어서 성공을 못했지만, 마지막으로 한가지 더 해볼 것이 생각이 났다.
하지만, 차후를 고려하여 메인보드와 그래픽 카드를 변경하는 것이 나을 듯 하다.
NVinject를 이용하여 설치하면 간단하게 설치할 수 있겠지만, 가능한 원본 드라이버를 유지하고 Geforce용 Gfx-String으로 깔끔하게 마무리해 주는 것이 핵심이지만, 뭐 어쩔 수 없는 상황이,,,,,,,
Files for GeForce 9600 GT 512mb cards:Click to Download
Files for GeForce 9600m GS 1024mb cards:Click to Download
신혜파파님의 환상적인 설치후기
Ideneb 10.5.6을 사용한 신혜파파님의 6개월간의 대장정
2009년 3월 28일 토요일
Adobe CS4 licence expire
- When Adobe CS4 issues this message on your Mac alarm bells might start going off in your head. Not to worry though, simply quit all CS4 apps and delete the following file: • /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PCD/cache/cache.db • The above path refers to the top level Library immediately inside your Macintosh HD. Now when you restart your CS4 apps you’ll be prompted to license your product with a new serial number. • If you have lost your serial number / product key, or otherwise feel justified in so doing, you may download a CS4 keygen (key generator) which will work on your Intel Mac here.
2009년 3월 27일 금요일
Boot-132, Adobe After Effects
2009년 3월 26일 목요일
동부 익스프레스 택배 아저씨 친절하시네요.
- 지방에 물건 보낼일이 있어 신청을 하였는데 시간 맞추어서 와주시고
- 보완해야 할 점도 말씀해 주셔서 포장도 덕분에 깔끔하게 하였습니다.
- 부드러운 미소까지,,, 친절하시네요.
2009년 3월 22일 일요일
Attansic ATL1E LAN driver aka AR8121 AR8113 (P5Q series), Working Kext available!! ;)
Vendor: Attansic Corporation
Device: Atheros L1E - ATL1E
Also known on windows as: AR8121 AR8113 PCI-E Ethernet controller
Device ID: 1969:1026
* desktop motherboards
Asus P5Q
Asus P5Q-SE
Asus P5Q-SE/R
Asus P5Q Pro
* laptops
Acer Aspire 6920G
Acer Aspire 8930
Asus EeePC 901, 1000 and 1000H
UEFI 0.38a
2009년 3월 20일 금요일
MAC OSX 10.5.7(9J22) Software Update
OmniWeb 5.9에서는 네이버 지도가 잘 보이네요.
OmniWeb 5.9에서는 네이버 지도가 잘 보이네요.
이건 무료 웹브라우저 어플리케이션입니다.
다음 url에서 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다.
Safari 4 Beta 에서 네이버 지도가 안보이는 군요.
기존 Safari 에서는 보이던 네이버 지도가 Safari 4 Beta 에서는 보이질 않는군요.
옴니웹으로 봐야 하나?
2009년 3월 19일 목요일
ATI Radeon HD3650 512 MB v Nvidia 9800 GT 512 MB
음 이상하게도 nVidia Geforce 9800 GT 가 성능이 더 우수할 것 같았는데,
ATI Radeon HD 3650이 성능과 유사하다는 황당한 경우가 발생했다.
일단 3650은 ATI Radeon 2000 시리즈의 Native 모드 드라이버를 변형한 것을 사용하였고
9800 은 Natit 드라이버를 이용하였다.
이상한 현상이다.
전력은 당연히 9800이 보조전원을 체택하여 전원은 9800이 더 먹는 것 같다.
색감은 3650이 아무래도 ATI 계열이어서 다른 화면 설정해 주는 것 없이 개인적으로는 낫다는 생각이다.
기존 디자이너들이나 동영상 관련분야 분들이 왜 ATI계열을 선호하는 지 조금은 알 것 같다.
일반 윈도우즈가 아니라 맥에서만 일어나는 현상일 것이다.
이건 좀 더 고민을 해보아야 할 문제인 것 같다.
위가 9800 이고 아래가 3650이다.
결과는 좀더 검증단계를 거쳐야 한다.
2009년 3월 13일 금요일
Vuze 응용프로그램