10.5.7 Combo Update will release ASAP.
이미 10.5.7 Combo Update가 몇몇 개발자들이 테스트 중이군요.
조만간 10.5.7 Combo Update가 공식적으로 제공될 것 같군요.
Mac OS X 10.5.7 Build 9J22 Seed Notes Arrive 10.5.7 build 9322 is at 771M for the combo update and 400M for the delta update.Known Issues
Installing 10.5.7 with the delta, make sure you have previously installed Safari 3.2.1
Safari 4 Beta, released Feb 23, 2009, will not install on this build.
General Focus Areas
Directory Services
Graphics Drivers
iDisk Synching
Managed Client
MobileMe Synching
Parental Controls
Screen Sharing
Time Machine
Areas of Change
Resolved issues with Mail accounts and syncing
Fixed issue with CoreAnimation and mouse movement between snapshots
Fixed problem with System Profiler Plug-Ins and panic logs
Resolved crashing issue with Help Viewer
Resolved crashing issue with Preview Image
Fixed issue with IOHIDPosteEvent()
Fixed problem with MobileMe AOSNotification not sending JID
Resolved issue with AddressBook Sync and Mail Addressing
Fixed problem with NSOperationQueue and PThreads
Fixed issue with LoginWindow UI and AirPort
Issue with Virtual Memory and wired pages fixed
Images are now retained when syncing between two Macs using Mail Sync
Resolved issue with CFNetwork Host and AppStore loading delays
Issue with Networking and TCP FIN resolved
Issue with FPCatalog search and AFP X Client resolved
File/Folder label changes over AFP now visible without unmounting/remounting
Fixed problem with NSView and layer-backed views inside a scroll
NSURLConnection now correctly notifies client before transmission
Resolved NSinvalidSendPortExceptions with Sync Services Engine
Fixed problem with CFNetwork Cookies and SAP cookie path
Resolved issue with CFNetwork Cache and DF URL cache
Fixed problem with iCal CalDAV and cancelled meetings still showing up for attendees
Hanging issue with CFURLCache thread fixed
Issue with MobileMe AOSNotification connection failures resolved
Resolved issue with Safari and certain cookies not being accepted
Fixed crashing issue with mdworker and signed messages
Resolved issue with MCX Client and visible groups
Resolved value issue with cupsBorderlessScalingFactor
Issue with CoreData Framework and foreign key references resolved
Fixed issue with Weather Widget and default city selection
CoreData Framework now ensures cached statements are nulled out after being finalized in the event of an error
Resolved issue with Desktop Services where desktop may not update correctly
Fixed value issue with Unit Converter Widget
Resolved issue with NSData and CoreData Framework
Fixed issue with ImageCapture not recognizing certain CompactFlash card adapters
Fixed issue with CUPS and Print & Fax Preference Pane
Resolved issue with CoreData fetch and CoreData Framework
Fixed issue where Stocks Widget was unresponsive in certain situations
iCalExternalSync no longer wrongly clears the “original date” field of a detached Task
Fixed issue where Preferences Sync would use excessive CPU cycles
Fixed problem with delegate windows and multiple error messages with iCal DAV
Issue with HICocoaView and mouse tracking resolved
Fixed button issue with Energy Saver pref pane
Fixed issue with Login window and MCX Client resolved
Fixed issue with Netbooting and the Energy Saver pref pane
Fixed problem with AMDocumentVersion and Automator Application
Updated ICC Profiles in ColorSync Registry
Issue with last modification date and Sync Services Engine resolved
Resolved issue with NSSpellChecker and custom NSSpellServer servers
Fixed issue with Time Machine Preferences and previously used backup volumes
Fixed problem with DSADplugin and User vs Contact
Issue with Text Services Manager and Dvorak Keyboard layout fixed
Resolved crashing issue with NSTreeController
Fixed whitelist issue with Parental Controls
Resolved automatic iCal MobileMe sync issue with iCal Synchronization
Fixed crashing issue with HLTB Menus and status bar
Resolved issue with AFP X Client and AFP sessions not disconnecting after volumes are dismounted
Issue with AXUIElementPostKeyboardEvent and HLTB Accessibility fixed
Fixed USB tranfer issue with printing large PostScript files
Fixed movie title issue with Movie Widget
Resolved Non-Administrator issue with Energy Saver pref pane
Fixed issue with Bluetooth mouse and button settings after disconnect/reconnect
Fixed problem with XServe Netboot and launchd
Fixed issue with Text (AppKit) where enabling garbage collection would cause autocomplete popup to automatically close
Fixed image orientation issue with Image RAW
Issue with HLTB Menus and OpenSubmenu fixed
Issue with HLTB Windows and child windows fixed
Issue with FileSync and login/logout resolved
Resolved issue with Image RAW and image conversion.
흠 2시간 이내로 확보 가능하겠군요.
답글삭제Resolved issue with CoreData fetch and CoreData Framework
답글삭제아 결국 10.5.7 에서 버그가 패치가 되는 군요.
Pacifist 로 열어보니 커널부터 바뀌어 있군요....음....
답글삭제snow 깔면 처음에 app들이 crash나는이우가 leopard에서 image mount시켜설치할때만 그렇던데 10.5.7 update 되면 그런 문제가 사라질수도 있겠네요.
답글삭제음 10.5.7 의 컴포넌트들이 Snow Leopard 10A216 에 적용되는 경우가 있습니다.
답글삭제아마 향후 10A216이후의 Snow Leopard는 10.5.7 콤포넌트들을 이용하는 경우가 많겠지요.
이를테면 그래픽 드라이버에도 10.5.7의 OpenGL을 적용해야 Snow Leopard 10A216에서 제대로 운용이 되는 경우가 있었습니다.
10.5.6에서는 jmicron이 4byte anot aligned라는 error가나오는데 snow에서는 나오질안습니다.이게 update후에 사라지면 좋겠는데.
답글삭제흠 저도 그 에러발생 부분이 의아해했었습니다.
답글삭제지금 Pacifist로 열어서 "jmicron으로 검색해보니 Jmicron 칩과 관련된 사항은 없는 것 같습니다.
참, Jmicron 칩과 관련된 드라이버가 해킨드라이버 아니었던가요?
음 지금 System.Log로도 검색하여 보았는데 제가 사용하질 않아서인지 메시지가 안보이는 군요.
필요하시면 테스트할 기회를 드리도록 하겠습니다.
화일 크기는 771MB인데, 설치하면 2.5GB정도를 차지하는 것 같습니다. 물론, Update되는 용량입니다.
정체를 밝히세요.
^ ^
.저는 snow leopard로 googling하다가 여기를 왔지만leopard beta시절에 원래하시던 site에서 가입은 안했지만 빠른소식 접했었고 osx86.com도 계속 보고 있기때문에 빠른소식 전해주는 분이란것은 잘알고있습니다.progamming같은것은 전혀모르고 안정적인 64bit를 쓰면 더좋을것같아 설치해보는것입니다.jmicron kext는 slashack이란사람이만든것을 ahci mode에서는 infoplist를 수정하면 된더고해서 수정한것입니다.
답글삭제trackback from: 10.5.7 Combo Update
답글삭제흠 별다른 사항은 안보이는 것 같은데,,,
trackback from: 10.5.7 Combo Update will release
답글삭제10.5.7 Combo Update will release ASAP. 이미 10.5.7 Combo Update가 몇몇 개발자들이 테스트 중이군요. 조만간 10.5.7 Combo Update가 공식적으로 제공될 것 같군요. Mac OS X 10.5.7 Build 9J22 Seed Notes Arrive 10.5.7 build 9322 is at 771M for the combo update and 400M for the delta update. Kno..