다운로드 : http://files.netkas.org/boot.bz2
소스 : http://files.netkas.org/Chameleon-2.0-RC3-r658-src_PCEFIV10.6-src.zip
먼저 다음글에서 카멜레온 패키지를 설치한 다음 boot 화일만 / 폴더에 복사하여 주면 끝!!
추가 테마 : http://www.mediafire.com/?koznefji54n
이것저것 커맨드가 힘드신 분들은 걍 클릭하여 설치하세요.
패키지 다운로드 : ChameleonRC3PCEFI10.5.pkg.zip
10.5 이기는 하지만 나름 쓸만합니다.
Chameleon Boot Loader
What is it?
Chameleon is combination of various boot loader components. It is based
on David Elliott's fake EFI implementation added to Apple's boot-132
project. Chameleon is extended with the following key features:
- Device Property Injection via device-properties string in com.apple.Boot.plist
- hybrid boot0+boot1h loaders for both MBR and GPT partitioned disks.
- automatic FSB detection code even for recent AMD CPUs.
- Apple Software RAID support.
- stage2 loader (boot) can be placed as a regular file in the boot
partition's root folder. It has precedence over the embedded
Normal Install (non-RAID):
I. Installation
- Install boot0 to the MBR:
sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
- Install boot1h to the partition's bootsector:
sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2
- Install boot to the partition's root directory:
sudo cp boot /
Suppose that your installation is on /dev/disk0s2
- Install boot0 to the MBR:
sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
- Install boot1h to the partition's bootsector:
sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2
- Install boot to the partition's root directory:
sudo cp boot /
No need to use startupfiletool anymore!
RAID Install:
Suppose that your installation is on /dev/disk3, which is either a mirror- or a
stripeset consisting of /dev/disk0 and /dev/disk1
Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk,
namely /dev/disk0s3 and /dev/disk1s3
- Install boot0 to the MBR of both disks:
sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1
- Install boot1h to the bootsector of each boot partition:
sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3
sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3
- Install boot to both helper partition's root directories.
diskutil mount disk0s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk0s3
diskutil mount disk1s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk1s3
- Add "rd=uuid boot-uuid=506D8F03-0596-32D8-BE0B-E3A4E7D5C72A" to your kernel flags
(replace with your root volume's UUID; find out using "Disk Utility.app", right
click on your root volume, then Get Info"):
nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist
touch /System/Library/Extensions
If you have any questions, issues etc. feel free to join us
at irc.voodooprojects.org #chameleon
Source Code
For downloading the source code please visit the project page at
Chameleon is released under the terms and conditions of
Apple Public Source License (see APPLE_LICENSE).
To use "Chameleon" for commercial purposes please contact us at:
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