I smell 9j58 released..!
2009년 4월 30일 목요일
2009년 4월 29일 수요일
Vmware Unity 기능
Unity 기능을 사용하면 윈도우즈와 MAC 이 혼용되어버려 맥인지 윈도우즈인지 분간이 안되게 만들어 버리는 군요.
1. Unity 적용전
2. Unity 적용후
Microsoft Messenger
두말할 필요없는 메신저 프로그램입니다.
맥용은 꽁꽁 숨어 있어 설치할려면 유의깊게 찾아보아야 합니다.
다음과 같이 다운로드 받아서 설치하시면 됩니다.
World Wide Real Time Swine Flu Map
I guess the Swine Flu is no longer a mystery to all of you. Everybody knows that the H1N1 virus affects Mexico and some part of the United States. However, the Swine Flu is spreading all over the world and according to the latest reports, it has spread all the way to the Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific areas. Yesterday, we reported that you can track the H1N1-generated Swine Flu using Google Maps, and that Google is better at compelling a Swine Flu map than the CDC.
Screen reader users: click here for plain HTML
World Wide Real Time Swine Flu Map
World Wide Real Time Swine Flu Map
어제 스페인 친구가 감기증상이 있다면서 조심스레 병원에 가봐야 겠다는 애기를 하였다.
와이프가 멕시코에 여행을 다녀왔는데 아무레도 걱정이 된다는 애기였었다.
인터넷에서는 이미 돼지 인플루엔자와 관련된 애기들이 실시간으로 오고간다.
돼지 인플루엔자는 이제 더이상 비밀스런 일이 아니게 되었다.
실시간으로 전세계 돼지 인플루엔자 감염상황을 구글맵을 이용하여 확인할 수 있다.
멕시코에서 불과 며칠 만에 152명의 사망자가 발생하여 사망률이 10%에 달하고 있으며, 뉴욕에서는서 수백 명의 학생들이 SI 증상을 보인 데 이어 미 캘리포니아주에서는 비상사태를 선포했고, 인터넷에도 돼지 인플루엔자(Swine flu・이하 SI)의 이야기가 논의되고 있습니다. 전세계의 SI 확산 상황을 실시간으로 보여주는 지도까지 공개되었습니다. 구글코리아에 따르면, 미국 피츠버그 바이오메디컬 리서치의 ‘niman’이라는 한 연구자가 구글 지도 플랫폼을 이용해 전세계 SI 감염 상황을 실시간으로 나타내는 ‘H1N1 Swine Flu map’이라는 지도를 공개했다고 하는 군요.
이 지도는 30분에서 1시간간격으로 실시간 추가수정된다고 하며 감염자와 사망자 등을 색깔로 구분하여 놓았습니다.
2009년 4월 28일 화요일
Vmware를 이용한 Windows 시스템 설치하기
1. MAC OSX Leopard
2. HDD 구성
3. VMWARE 설치 및 구성
4. VMWARE 시작
5. Booting 시작
6. VMWARE 를 이용한 윈도우즈 시스템 실행한 Space 화면
2009년 4월 27일 월요일
13 살 소년이 10억 다운로드 컨테스트의 당첨자가 되었네요.
Apple 사가 금요일 발표한 10억 어플리케이션 다운로드 컨테스트에서 Weston, Conn. 주에 사는 13살 소년, Connor Mulcahey 군이 당첨되었다고 하는군요.
Mulcahey 군은 Bump,라는 어플리케이션을 다운로드 받았는데요, Bump Technologies사에서 개발한 contact information swapping 이라는 용도로 사용되어지는 어플리케이션이라고 합니다.
컨테스트의 승자로서, Apple 사는 Mulcahey 군에서 $10,000 상당의 iTunes gift card, iPod touch, Time Capsule 그리고 MacBook Pro를 주었다는 군요.
Apple Hires Ex AMD Chief
Apple 사가 하드웨어 비즈니스를 강화하기 위해 high profile hire 감행하였군요.
장본인은 전 IBM chip expert Mark Papermaster 로서 official work at Apple last week 공식적으로 지난주부터 업무를 시작하였고 이 사람은 전 AMD chief technology officer Bob Drebin 로서 Senior Director로 업무를 시작한 것 같다고 하는 군요.
그래픽 칩의 전문가인 Drebin씨는 2006년에 AMD 가 ATI 를 인수 합병시에 AMD에 합류하였었던 사람으로 Apple는 아직 회사내의 그의 위치를 공식적으로는 알리지 않고 있는 것 같군요.디스크 복구가 안될때
디스크 복구가 안될 때 터미널에서 다음과 같은 명령어를 입력하여 해결한다.
sudo -s
vsdbutil -a /Voulmes/MacDATA <<< 마운트 된 해당 디스크
2009년 4월 26일 일요일
Snow Leopard 10a335 released
Installing on a MacBook Air
Users who have mounted the DVD using the DVD or CD Sharing feature from another Mac or PC can now perform the installation by simply opening the 'Install Mac OS X' application. It is no longer necessary to follow the unique procedure using the Remote Install Mac OS X application. Note that you will need to ensure that 'Ask To Use' must be unchecked on the host machine which is sharing the DVD drive.
An extra disk partition is created as part of this process and should be removed after a successful installation. If the partition still exists after an installation, please report the issue and use Disk Utility to manually remove it.
Remote Install Assistant may fail over AirPort. Run the Install Mac OS X application as described above instead.
Installing Rosetta
Rosetta is now installed on demand and no longer needs to be selected in the Mac OS X Installer. Please try this if you have applications that require Rosetta and report any problems you encounter.
PowerPC apps are crashing for some users after installing Rosetta. Running 'sudo update_dyld_shared_cache' in Terminal and then rebooting will typically work around this. Note that you will be prompted for your admin password.
Other Installation Notes
- Custom install sizes are sometimes inaccurate, which may result in the Installer failing due to disk space issues.
- Migrating users over a network connection may result in a hang. Connect the machines via Firewire to workaround this.
- It may take several minutes to get to the Mac OS X Installer when using a DVD.
- Some settings such as Mobile Me login info and Keyboard settings are not migrated correctly.
The following are currently under investigation by engineering. No bug reports are needed for these. We will update this list to keep you informed of other known issues as we become aware of them.
- Custom install sizes are sometimes inaccurate, which may result in the Installer failing due to disk space issues.
- Migrating users over a network connection may result in a hang. Connect the machines via Firewire to workaround this.
- It may take several minutes to get to the Mac OS X Installer when using a DVD.
- Some settings such as Mobile Me login info and Keyboard settings are not migrated correctly.
- Some Rosetta applications crash on launch.
- 'Repair Permissions' in Disk Utility reports spurious errors.
- configd crashes can cause DNS lookups to fail.
- QuickTime Player may crash when playing DRM protected content in 64-bit.
- PowerPC apps are crashing for some users after installing Rosetta. Running 'sudo update_dyld_shared_cache' in Terminal and then rebooting will typically work around this. Note that you will be prompted for your admin password.
Below are a few focus areas that we would like you to help us test in Snow Leopard. For each area we have provided some things that you can try. Concentrate on those areas that you are familiar with and that you have the right test environment for. Feel free to go beyond what we have listed here. These are just meant to help get you started.
If you do run into problems testing any of these areas please be sure to submit a bug report using the link on your main AppleSeed page.
If you have access to Exchange Server 2007 you can use Snow Leopard's built in support to access your Exchange email, calendar events and contacts. Try configuring Mail, iCal and Address Book to access your Exchange data.
Time Machine
Try backing up your system, browsing the backed up files, and then restoring them. You can use external FireWire and USB drives or an internal disk partition. Use the Time Machine preferences to configure your backup settings. Also, try launching Time Machine while Address Book is active to restore specific contacts. Check that you can enter Time Machine while Mail is running. You can use Time Machine in the installer to restore a complete system backup. More information on using Time Machine can be found at: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1427
MacBook Air
If you have a MacBook Air, try installing the build using a variety of methods such as over wireless, via an external optical drive or over ethernet. Also check that you can share optical discs hosted by other computers.
WiFi Access
Check that you can connect wirelessly to the internet and that you able to remain connected for extended periods of time. Try waking from sleep to see if you automatically reconnect to your wireless network. Also, try changing locations from one wireless access point to another to see if you re-establish a connection at the new location.
Device Syncing
Contacts and calendars can be synced to several portable devices including iPods and certain models of PDAs and cell phones. iPod syncing is handled via iTunes while PDAs and cell phones are synced using the iSync application.
MobileMe Syncing
Use the MobileMe preference pane in System Preferences to configure the items you are interested in syncing. You will need a MobileMe account to use this. Try syncing the different types of data and then check that any changes you made appear as expected. You can sync Bookmarks, Calendars, Contacts, Keychains and Mail settings, Dashboard widgets, Dock items and preferences. You can use iDisk syncing to access your iDisk even when you are not connected to the internet. This can be turned on under the "iDisk" tab of the MobileMe System Preferences. Check that you can sync your iDisk data between multiple computers.
Application Compatibility
Try installing your favorite applications and check for unexpected dialog boxes and error messages. Look for general application stability and performance issues as well as any cosmetic drawing problems that weren't there in Leopard. You may also wish to verify that you can print from all applications.
Networking Connectivity
Make sure you can connect to the internet via your ISP. If you have access to multiple networks try changing your network location and reconnecting. Switch between ethernet and wireless network links. Make sure you can reconnect to the network after waking from sleep. If you have access to AFP and SMB servers, try connecting to them from the Finder.
Some things to try include printer set-up, configuring the printer preference panel, driver installation and using options/settings specific to your printer model.
Try text, voice and video chats, multi-way voice and video chats. Try sending files to and receiving files from on-line buddies. Video effects, video backdrops and iChat Screen Sharing are some other things to try.
Try searching for files using the Spotlight menu. Use searching in Mail to find specific e-mail messages. If you have removable hard drives, try searching for content on them. Drag the drive icons to the trash to verify that they can be unmounted.
Try installing new widgets. Look for differences in third-party widget functionality compared to how they function on Leopard. An extensive list of widgets can be found at http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/
2009년 4월 25일 토요일
2009년 4월 23일 목요일
NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800
AppleInsider reports that Apple today announced plans to being shipping the NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 for the Mac Pro next month.
With its sophisticated GPU architecture and industry leading features, the Quadro FX 4800 delivers a substantial boost in graphics performance and capabilities, allowing users to continue to push the boundaries of realism and performance in markets such as: architecture, content creation, science and medicine,” NVIDIA said.
The NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 will be available from the online Apple Store and select Apple resellers in May.
9j56 released...!
The previous updates to Mac OS X 10.5 were released on:
- 10.5.1 = Thursday release
- 10.5.2 = Monday release
- 10.5.3 = Wednesday release
- 10.5.4 = Monday release
- 10.5.5 = Monday release
- 10.5.6 = Monday release
실시간으로 네트웍에 접속된 현황을 보여줍니다.
윈도우즈에서는 TaskInfo 라는 툴이 있어서 유용하게 사용하였었는데 MAC에서는
이 소프트웨어를 이용하면서 네트웍 보안 관리를 하고 있습니다.
2009년 4월 22일 수요일
Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX WiFi
Apr 19 2009, 12:22 AM
I have a more or less successful install with this board that I'll share. This is kind of a lazy write-up because this is not my main hack and thus it is "good enough" for me, not a perfect install. This is for a little media center with PLex, EyeTV, Remote Buddy, and the Sony BD remote.
This is a Vanilla Retail type install!
What does not work, but could:
-On-board Audio (I am using iMic USB which does work and did not hassle with this except to find that VoodooHDA does NOT work).
-wireless networking (did not try on this b/c I use wired gigabit)
-Sleep/resume works from menu, but usb keybord does not come back--get error about overvoltage causing USB device to be disabled. Unplugging keyboard and plugging back fixes, but I have sleep turned off. For my purposes I can't wake the system from remote anyway, so I do not care.
-PS2 Key/Mouse (why bother?)
Does not work and never will: This board does not support USB wake on the hardware level, Zotac you b*stards!
What does work (reliably)
-onboard gigabit ethernet
-onboard video
-iMic USB for audio
-bluetooth dongle usb
-Playstation3 BD remote with remote buddy/bluetooth
-I do not have an optical drive in this system. I assume a Sata drive should work fine.
Install Method:
1. Insert sata hard disk in working hackintosh, partition GUID. Mark to not ignore permissions on this drive in info.
2. Install OSX 10.5.0 from working hack, run Apple 10.5.6 combined update.
3. Copy over AppleACPIPlatform, AppleSMBIOS, dsmos, IntelCPUPMDisabler, IOAHCIFamily, IOATAFamily, NVkush. (these are attached, not all may be necessary, like I said this is a lazy write-up!).
4. run Chameleon 2.0RC1 and use standard install (EFI-type may work, I did not use it).
5. Put the disk in the new system and boot up. OK, here's the gotcha. The 10.5.6 update will run a boot time process that will overwrite some of the kexts you just copied. In fact, it will boot and do this, then reboot on its own. Just let it go until you get a kernel panic or something then copy your kexts again and repair permissions. I might have re-run chameleon installer here, kind of forget.
6. Boot up and if you do get any kind of kernel panic, just reboot. Once this is setup, you will NOT get any panics or instability. I am typing this from this system now!
7. Run all updates from the Apple menu, all install with no issues.
All-in-all, this is a very easy install and the board supports OSX pretty well for me at least. Not sure of the OP's problems, but I would just say to try to get away from Distros if you can. Retail installs are actually a lot easier/more predictable. Who knows what the scripts in a distro are doing? Just get your retail working and save a copy of the particular kexts/dsdt etc you used and then a reinstall is a breeze.
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention. I have tried Vanilla retail on 2 different systems with 10.5.6 retail DVD and have not had success. Specifically, 10.5.6 Reatail DVD did not work on this board for me. For some reason the 10.5.0 -> 10.5.6 update method works much better for me even though it is an extra step.
2009년 4월 20일 월요일
New Challenger for good NoteBook
New Challenger for good NoteBook.
It's really awesome....you know.
Please following product.!!
2009년 4월 19일 일요일
2009년 4월 17일 금요일
The Pirate Bay Trial: The Official Verdict - Guilty
Just minutes ago the verdict in the case of The Pirate Bay Four was announced. All four defendants were accused of ‘assisting in making copyright content available’. Peter Sunde: Guilty. Fredrik Neij: Guilty. Gottfrid Svartholm: Guilty. Carl Lundström: Guilty. The four receive 1 year in jail each and fines totaling $3,620,000.
While only a few weeks ago, it seems like an eternity since the trial of The Pirate Bay Four ended and the court retired to consider its verdict. The prosecution claimed that the four defendants were ‘assisting in making copyright content available’ and demanded millions of dollars in damages. The defense did not agree, and all pleaded not guilty - backed up by the inimitable King Kong defense.
Today, Friday April 17, the court issued its decision.
2009년 4월 15일 수요일
A reversioner, Delta and Combo Updates of build 9J50 released!!
A reversioner, Delta and Combo Updates of build 9J50 are now availabl
Release Notes for Mac OS X Leopard Software Update 10.5.7 build 9J50
General Focus Areas
- AirPort
- Bluetooth
- Directory Services
- FileSync
- Flash Player
- GraphicsDrivers
- Help Viewer
- iCal
- iDisk Synching
- Managed Client
- MobileMe Synching
- Networking
- Parental Controls
- Perl
- Printing
- Safari
- Screen Sharing
- Sound
- Time Machine
- USB & Flash Drives
- Widgets
- X11
Areas of Change
- Fixed issue with Bluetooth Personal Area Network (PAN)
Issues fixed in previous seeds:
- com.apple.SystemLoginItems.plist fix
- Ethernet on Mac Pros performance fix
- CFURLCache compatibility fix
- automountd at automountd: autofs_server issue fix
- CFNetwork compatibility fixes
- Fix issue with iCalExternalSync when a reminder is changed from relative to absolute
- Perl and Security 2009-001 update compatibility fix
- PDF font rendering fix
- AFP client's FSCatalogSearch loops issue fixed
- Fixed USB plugin path after USB hot-plugging
- iChatAgent and SecTrustEvaluate issue fixed
- Issue with Mail signature in rich ASCII text fix
- Fixed System Profiler's display of DisplayPort Adapters info
- Updated Speech Dictionary
- Resolved issue where computer may wake after Sleep enabled
- Fixed Mail signature synching issue
- Fixed localization problem with Weather Widget
- Resolved color corruption issue
- Fixed problem with CFNetwork FileProtocol and WebArchive
- Resolved problem with AFP C Client and searches
- Issue with FSCatalogSearch loops and AFP X Client fixed
- Issue with HFS and Magneto-Optical Disk resolved
- Flash Player updated
- Fixed issue with CoreGraphics and screen zoom parameters
- Issue with iChat framerates fixed
- Fixed problem with HFS+ volumes and DVD media
- Resolved issue with iCal CalDAV and calendar refresh
- Issue with CPU Software and digital output fixed
- Resolved issue with launchd and LoginWindow capturing crash data
- Issue with LoginWindow and FileVault remote backups fixed
- Fixed problem with Time Capsule and sparse image backups
- Fixed issue with Print & Fax pref pane and managing settings
- Resolved crashing issue with Parental Controls and System Preferences
- Fixed problem with HFS and MBR partitioned volumes
- Fixed hanging issue with MobileMe Sync tab
- Fixed issue with iCalExternalSync and iCal Synchronization
- Issue with AC interrupts and Sleep/Wake resolved
- Fixed problem with Portable Home Directories and Login/Logout not syncing
- Resolved issue with Mail accounts and syncing
- Fixed issue with CoreAnimation and mouse movement between snapshots
- Fixed problem with System Profiler Plug-Ins and panic logs
- Resolved crashing issue with Help Viewer
- Resolved crashing issue with Preview Image
- Fixed issue with IOHIDPosteEvent()
- Fixed problem with MobileMe AOSNotification not sending JID
- Resolved issue with AddressBook Sync and Mail Addressing
- Fixed problem with NSOperationQueue and PThreads
- Fixed issue with LoginWindow UI and AirPort
- Issue with Virtual Memory and wired pages fixed
- Images are now retained when syncing between two Macs using Mail Sync
- Resolved issue with CFNetwork Host and AppStore loading delays
- Issue with Networking and TCP FIN resolved
- Issue with FPCatalog search and AFP X Client resolved
- File/Folder label changes over AFP now visible without unmounting/remounting
- Fixed problem with NSView and layer-backed views inside a scroll
- NSURLConnection now correctly notifies client before transmission
- Resolved NSinvalidSendPortExceptions with Sync Services Engine
- Fixed problem with CFNetwork Cookies and SAP cookie path
- Resolved issue with CFNetwork Cache and DF URL cache
- Fixed problem with iCal CalDAV and cancelled meetings still showing up for attendees
- Hanging issue with CFURLCache thread fixed
- Issue with MobileMe AOSNotification connection failures resolved
- Resolved issue with Safari and certain cookies not being accepted
- Fixed crashing issue with mdworker and signed messages
- Resolved issue with MCX Client and visible groups
- Resolved value issue with cupsBorderlessScalingFactor
- Issue with CoreData Framework and foreign key references resolved
- Fixed issue with Weather Widget and default city selection
- CoreData Framework now ensures cached statements are nulled out after being finalized in the event of an error
- Resolved issue with Desktop Services where desktop may not update correctly
- Fixed value issue with Unit Converter Widget
- Resolved issue with NSData and CoreData Framework
- Fixed issue with ImageCapture not recognizing certain CompactFlash card adapters
- Fixed issue with CUPS and Print & Fax Preference Pane
- Resolved issue with CoreData fetch and CoreData Framework
- Fixed issue where Stocks Widget was unresponsive in certain situations
- iCalExternalSync no longer wrongly clears the "original date" field of a detached Task
- Fixed issue where Preferences Sync would use excessive CPU cycles
- Fixed problem with delegate windows and multiple error messages with iCal DAV
- Issue with HICocoaView and mouse tracking resolved
- Fixed button issue with Energy Saver pref pane
- issue with Login window and MCX Client resolved
- Fixed issue with Netbooting and the Energy Saver pref pane
- Fixed problem with AMDocumentVersion and Automator Application
- Updated ICC Profiles in ColorSync Registry
- Issue with last modification date and Sync Services Engine resolved
- Resolved issue with NSSpellChecker and custom NSSpellServer servers
- Fixed issue with Time Machine Preferences and previously used backup volumes
- Fixed problem with DSADplugin and User vs Contact
- Issue with Text Services Manager and Dvorak Keyboard layout fixed
- Resolved crashing issue with NSTreeController
- Fixed whitelist issue with Parental Controls
- Resolved automatic iCal MobileMe sync issue with iCal Synchronization
- Fixed crashing issue with HLTB Menus and status bar
- Resolved issue with AFP X Client and AFP sessions not disconnecting after volumes are dismounted
- Issue with AXUIElementPostKeyboardEvent and HLTB Accessibility fixed
- Fixed USB tranfer issue with printing large PostScript files
- Fixed movie title issue with Movie Widget
- Resolved Non-Administrator issue with Energy Saver pref pane
- Fixed issue with Bluetooth mouse and button settings after disconnect/reconnect
- Fixed problem with XServe Netboot and launchd
- Fixed issue with Text (AppKit) where enabling garbage collection would cause autocomplete popup to automatically close
- Fixed image orientation issue with Image RAW
- Issue with HLTB Menus and OpenSubmenu fixed
- Issue with HLTB Windows and child windows fixed
- Issue with FileSync and login/logout resolved
- Resolved issue with Image RAW and image conversion
2009년 4월 14일 화요일
Mac OS 9.0.4 가 해킨 시스템에서,,,,!!!!!
2009년 4월 13일 월요일
2009년 4월 12일 일요일
해킨토시 설치 간략 개념
- CMOS Setup에서 ahci관련 부분을 설정하여 준다.
- 자신의 마더보드 칩셋을 확인한다. (ich7(?), ich10, nforce, ATI chip 등등을 알아야 겠지요. 윈도우즈에서 에베레스트 설치하여 확인하면 금방 확인 가능합니다.
- 호환성이 좋은 메인보드 칩셋(ich7이상)이라면 boot-132 + Retail DVD 이미지 아니라면 해킨이미지(xXx, idenb 등등)를 이용하여 설치한다.
- - 해킨이미지를 이용하여 설치하실 경우 요즈음은 voodoo 커널을 많이 이용하시더군요.
- 설치시에 -v 부팅옵션을 주어 설치시도하여 본다.
- 만약 정상적인 설치진행이 되질 않는 다면 관련 에러가 보일것이니 이 에러 메시지를 포스팅하여 문의한다.
2009년 4월 10일 금요일
2009년 4월 9일 목요일
2009년 4월 8일 수요일
MICRO-MICROPHONE Now your iPods can listen.
Key Features:
- Ultra small Microphone
- Unique "ThumbTack" design
- Outstanding quality sound recording
- Hi quality gold-plated non-corrosive plug
- Works with third party Apps
- Note: Please upgrade your iPod to the latest firmware before using ThumbTacks™.