I. Conroe1333-D667
- Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 2.16 GHz - 2GB DDR2 677
- 해킨배포본 : Snow Leopard 10.6.1-10.6.2 SSE2-SSE3 Intel/AMD by Hazard
- BIOS Version: P1.30
- 전체 설치 가이드 : Installation Guide
- Options marked on installer:사용자화
- Mac OS X Update => 10.6.2 combo update
- Bootloader => Chameleon RC3 PCEFI 10.3
- Kernel => Intel Atom Kernel 10.2.0
- Graphic => NVEnabler (for 8500GT)
- Audio => AppleAzaliaAudio
- System Support => AppleRTC, IOATAFamily Fix, SMBIOSResolver
- AdditionalFonts
- X11
- Rosetta
- QuickTime 7
- SATA, IDE, USB, Audio, Lan - Works
- Video 8500GT - Works
- Shutdown & reboot ok, sleep not tested
Retail DVD image on chameleon boot based usb key
- Vanilla Kernel, Chameleon 2.0 RC4, IDE Must be set to compatible mode for ATA driver to work.
- Apple Software Update Works with no issues.
- 전체 설치 가이드 : Installation Guide
- Standard Options used with installer, removed extra language files as they are not needed in
- my case.
- Bootloader -> Chameleon 2.0 RC4
- Kernel -> Vanilla 10.2.0
- Graphics -> NVidia Geforce 8600 GTS 256MB, EFI String added to com.apple.Boot.plist
- QE/CI is enabled, have yet to test to make certain they are functioning.
- Audio -> Currently not working, perhaps VooDooHDA once an SL release is made.
- System Support -> FakeSMC.kext (netkas.org), PlatformUUID.kext, a third I can't remember atm,
- will update as I do more tests and final configuration.
- ETHERNET -> Works OTB.
- USB, SATA/IDE working but with quirks.
- Shutdown and Restart perfectly fine, sleep untested (I don't personally use this feature)
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